The door doesn't work. The frame is level, the door frame fits, but the doors are warped in such a way that they only close if both sides are open and close at the same time -like cabinets that have one too many layers of paint on them (another experience I'm all too familiar with). On top of that, we didn't take into account the pile of the carpet we are installing in the living room and will have to tile a "mud area" around the door so that it can open correctly. In a way, this will be good, because we can have an area for a mat and shoes.
Mark is my rock and I couldn't do this without him. He knows just how to calm me down and get me to realize that it will all work out just fine. He will be renting a truck and exchanging the door today. He wins MVP for this project for sure.
I can't wait to meet Mark. Perhaps we can get sloshy at the Sam Adams Brewery :-)
Jillian - Sounds awesome! We will be doing that Ghosts and Gravestones tour too I think, if you guys want to join us. Thanks for all of those links!
Let me talk to Sean and see which he would prefer. Did you already get tix for the Ghosts and Gravestones tour?
Jillian - Nope, not yet. Probably will get them soon. I looked at the site and when you buy a ticket, there's no specified date that I can see, so I guess you have to make reservations after you buy it... Do you know?
Mark, u r my rock star as well. Looking fwd to early Sept.
I don't know about tix and reservations. Perhaps call and ask?
Needless to say, it needed to be remediated right away. I hope it’s been fixed properly. That door would really make you cry. Who installed it? If it’s a home improvement contractor, better ask for a refund. Katie @
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