All my life I have been the victim of mosquito bites, regardless of the time of year, climate, time of day, or layers of clothing I happen to be wearing. I believe my sister shares this problem, but I may be mistaken. Mark always asks, “how come you’re the only one getting bitten?,” to which I reply *as if I know what I’m talking about,* “I have sweet blood!” I’m pretty confident that I’m getting bitten in my sleep, because I have mad-mosquito-swatting-ninja-skills when I’m conscious…
The most likely cause of these bites can be traced back to our new windows. –By no means that it was their fault; in fact I should actually blame the old ones. Had they not sucked so bad, we wouldn’t have had the need to replace them. When replacing windows, there is an unavoidable period of time where a gaping hole resides in the wall. Whether it is for 30 seconds or 15 minutes, those damn mosquitoes will find their way in, because they obviously smell my sweet blood…

Now as soon as the swelling of my finger goes down, I pray to have no more reminders of the windows that were.
In the meantime, I will continue to dream about the kitchen that will be. Now that we’ve taken care of our windows, and we’re fixin’ to file our taxes, we’ve started talking about the impending kitchen overhaul. Here is what we’re thinking so far…

And on a parting note, if anyone’s got a good exterminator in the Valley that specializes in mosquito eradication, please share!
They say that mosquitoes do not like people with high blood pressure or who are stressed. So you must be healthy and not stressed!
MR - I'm not sure if I should be flattered or go eat a few Big Macs and sign up to take the LSAT or something... :)
The kitchen looks amazing. I can't wait for you guys to start on it!
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