If you ever want to really get to know your significant other, task him or her with picking out paint colors. Apparently Mark and I do not see eye to eye on what colors each room should be. At all. Last week I asked him what color he wanted the guest room, and he said "purple and gold." I thought about it for a second and thought it could actually look really neat with one wall a deep purple with redish undertones, and the rest of the walls slightly lighter, with white trim and some gold accent pieces. I even went as far as to check out the Sherwin Williams color visualizer tool. I had it all worked out before Mark so graciously told me that he was totally kidding. Shucks.

As for our bedroom, we have white bedding with green accents, so I was hoping to paint the walls a light silvery grey like the photo above. Mark's not a huge fan of grey. Any suggestions?
I will be swinging by my soon to be home (depot) away from home to pick up swatches tonight. I guess the real fun will start once we've made up our minds...
what about sherwin williams #6469 Dewey? it's more blue than grey, but still silvery. I've really enjoyed having a silvery blue on my bedroom wall/curtains.
whaaaasssssuppppp ???2
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