I mentioned that I went tile shopping over the weekend. Construction David, (he doesn't go by Dave, I learned,) picked me up Saturday morning and we went to 4 or 5 tile and stone places. Slight change of plans on the tile for our master bath. Instead of going with stone-like tile, we decided to choose a tumbled light travertine. It was tough, because I fell in love with a marble tile called
crema marfil but it was just too expensive, (ranging from $13 - $20 per sqft for the staggered 2"x4"). This is what the walls of the shower will look like. The floor of the shower will be 2"x2" of the same travertine and the rest of the floor 12"x12".

The travertine is a nice compromise. Still classy and nice, but won't break the bank. Also, if you live in an area where there are multiple places to shop for stone or tile, be sure to go to as many as you have the patience for. Also look online. This travertine for example, was over $10 per sqft in a few places. We found a guy who was willing to go down to $8.50. Online I found them for $5.99, but after shipping (tile is heavy) it would have cost quite a bit more.
We also picked out our shower(s). We decided we want one shower head coming down from the ceiling and one handheld shower mounted on the wall. We can switch from wall to ceiling, depending on the mood (depending on if I'm washing my hair or not).
This is what we picked out. The stem that looks like it would come out from the wall will be replaced with a straight one so it can come straight down.

Hopefully the bathroom will be done by the end of the week. Framing starts today. Woohoo!
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