Saturday, January 22, 2011

There will be doors.

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted a solid home improvement entry. Hope you're ready for it.

Where to begin? I guess it's worth starting with the fact that Mark and I have been lacking doors... We took the linen closet doors down when we first moved in and thought we'd paint them. Fast forward a year and a half and the closet is still exposed. That would be fine and dandy if I was say, Martha Stewart and had all of my towels neatly folded and cute baskets housing all of the random crap in there. But alas, I'm not... and I don't...
So I took a trip to Lowes and picked up the below supplies.

...and got to sawing. I had the backings cut to size at Lowes and then used our friend Aaron's mitre saw to cut the trim.

Don't I look professional?

Now I just have to sand, prime, and paint...
But no folks, that's not all. We were living with a door-less office as well as a door-less master bathroom. Not to mention the non-fire door we had connecting the house to the garage. Fear not people. Aaron and Mark sanded, shimmed, and installed those too!
The uninstalled fire door
Aaron sands down the office door

Installing the fire door frame

We've got doors!!!
Now we just have to re-trim the fire door and prime and paint the others. All in a day's work...

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