Ok, the title has nothing to do with the post, but somehow that song got stuck in my head this morning. What's bizarre is I'm absolutely positive I didn't hear it. How do you come up with a line like that anyway? It doesn't rhyme with anything and it's actually a really weird mental picture. -Jus' sayin' Katy Perry.
Ok, now back to more important things, starting with the kitchen. Phase 1 is complete! The cabinets, counters, and floors are complete, and for the first time in two months, we have a fully functional kitchen! It feels awesome. It's so hot it'll melt your popsicle.
Notice I called it phase 1. There is still work to be done. Phase 2 consists of installing the green subway tile backsplash and pendant lights on either side of the hood. But for now, phase 1 will have to do. The kitchen is quite enjoyable as is.
In other insanely awesome news, the family is coming to visit! And when I say the family, I don't mean just my parents, or just my sister. We're talking mom, dad,
Tali, Cliff, and....Dahlia!
Tali and my birthday is six days apart, and this is a big one (the big 3-0) for her, so what better way to celebrate? This is also the first time that the whole family (even pre-D) have come to visit at the same time. Just a couple weeks away!!!
1 comment:
Not only are we all coming to visit, we're all staying under the same roof for the first time in (by my calculations) TEN YEARS. Scary...
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