Pardon my absence over the past week plus. I've been busy between quarter end, the L.A. Fair, movies, cornhole, and other distractions which have appealed to me way more than blogging. But alas, I return to you, blog, because I know, down the road I will look back and want to know how things progressed in our peach palace.
Over the past couple weeks, Mark and I have made some adjustments to our guest room. I decided that the bed centered on the wall made the already tiny room feel much too cramped, so we added a nice leather headboard and slid the bed up against the wall with the window. We hung up a painting I did back when I first moved to California adjacent to the bed. In moving the bed over, we had to get rid of one nightstand. The remaining one still has to be refinished -I'm thinking white.

On the left, you can see the corner of my former-desk-turned-sewing-table. Just to the left of the table is our new guest room T.V. setup. Mark mounted the television on the wall over the weekend and it is awesome! It swings out, tilts down, and does everything short of a back-hand-spring. OK, I'm exaggerating, but it's fantastic. We got the ladder shelf online at Target to double as a decoration element and a cable box holder (it's on the bottom shelf). We needed something that wouldn't stick out too far, and these tiered shelves are the perfect fit. We still have to get a cover for the cables and dress up the shelves a bit, but the room has come together quite nicely if you ask me.

Lastly, we finally got a piece of art!!! I am so happy with this painting. It really works with the golds and browns in our living room. We still need more flare, but it's a great start.
I will be taking another short hiatus. Mark and I are heading to Austin in a couple of days for
Austin City Limits Music Festival. I can't wait! In all of the years that I lived in Austin, the festival never appealed to me, as it was always in early September and waaaay too hot and sticky to spend three days out there. But not this year! They moved it back a month, and we'll still have some heat and rain to deal with, but in exchange, we get Pearl Jam! Interestingly enough, Mark and I call
Yellow Ledbetter "our" song. What's stranger, is it's a super depressing song that neither of us knows the words to, but it's so fun to mumble along in gibberish.
Have a great rest of the week/weekend!
You should drill a hole in the wall and drop the cables through it to the ground. But isn't it going to be a problem having the cable box on the bottom shelf if you are trying to change the channel from bed? Let's discuss this.
WriterGuy - That's a great idea about the cables. It will depend on how big the hole has to be. We may go with a wall mounted cable concealer and just run it down alongside the shelving unit. As for the cable box on the bottom shelf, so far we haven't had an issue with it, because it is a decent distance from the bed, so the signal reads. Thanks for looking out for us!
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